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Thank-you for your interest in working with the PUSH21, LINK 21, or CONNECT 21 After School Programs.



Where Do I Send My Completed Application and Criminal Background Form or Letter?

Please fill out the application and criminal background check release form below and email the completed documents to Please put your 'FULL NAME, APPLY' in the subject line.


Do WSFCS Employees Have to Fill Out the Criminal Background Form?

WSFCS Employees DO NOT have to complete the Criminal Background Check Form, please follow the steps below provided for WSFCS Employees Only.

Thank you for your interest in serving the youth at Achieve Arts Academy!

Achieve Arts Academy, Inc. Site Locations

PUSH 21 is our high school after school program located at Parkland Magnet High School that runs from 8AM- 9AM & 4PM-6PM Monday-Thursday. (Please specify which program on your application)


LINK 21 is our middle school after school program located at Flat Rock Middle School that runs from 3PM-6PM Monday-Thursday. (Please specify which program on your application)

CONNECT 21 is our middle school after school program located at Lexington Middle School that runs from 3:30PM-6:30PM Monday-Thursday. (Please specify which program on your application)

Achieve Arts Academy, Inc. Available Positions

Here is a list of positions that may be available at PUSH 21, LINK 21, and/or CONNECT 21. 


Job Description: Certified Teachers who will provide tutoring as well as the facilitation of the curriculum and lesson plans. Also participates in staff training, regular staff meetings and in professional development sessions and establishes open communication and good rapport with each parent. Certified Teachers will provide instruction and training in artistic and athletic enrichment including vocal music, instrumental music, dance/step, theater, culinary arts, and athletics.  $25 per hour


Open Positions:

Math Facilitator*

English Facilitator*

Culinary Facilitator

Animation Facilitator

Theater Facilitator

Athletic Facilitator

Cosmetology Facilitator

Teacher Assistants

Job Description: Teachers who will provide tutoring as well as the facilitation of the curriculum and lesson plans. Also participates in staff training, regular staff meetings and in professional development sessions and establishes open communication and good rapport with each parent. $20 per hour

* There is an ongoing and immediate need for these positions.

Achieve Arts Academy, Inc. Applications and Forms


Criminal Background Release Letter 
(For WSFCS Employees ONLY)

WSFCS EMPLOYEES ONLY! Instead of completing a criminal background check, please send the following message to You may copy and paste the message below into the body of your email.


When you receive the Criminal Background Letter, email it to 


Hello Kenya,


My name is {Insert Your Name}, and I am a prospective staff member for the {P.U.S.H. 21 after school program at Parkland High School} OR {LINK 21 after school program at Flat Rock Middle School}. 


I would like to request a letter from HR stating that I am a current employee of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools and that I have completed the pre-employment process which includes a criminal background check. Please also include information about how frequently my criminal background is monitored or updated.



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